About Me...

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Secondary School Art Teacher, Ireland.



Hi! I'm NJ, and this is my blog. Welcome!
I'm a secondary school art teacher, so this blog might be of interest to you if you're a student, or if you're just interested in art.
So, I've been toying with the idea of creating a blog for some time now, but being a Gemini, I'm highly conflicted and I could never just pin it down to one topic. But as of today, that's exactly what I'm going to do: here is my blog, and it's about ART.
All kinds of art - animation, painting, drawing, sculpture, literature - everything that I can find that is of interest from  a personal or teaching perspective.
I guess I'll start by giving a little background to me and the areas of art that I'm interested in. As I said before, I'm a secondary school art teacher. I've also a Masters in Modern and Contemporary Art History, and a BA in Design. I love art that is provocative and different. I love everyday art - graphic design, grafitti, scribbles on notebooks. Above all, I love art that provokes a response - art that inspires me, makes me think and question, or simply makes me happy.
To set the tone, I think I'll put up a clip by an artist I really admire, who combines drawing with photography, animation, music and history: William Kentridge. Take a look and see what you think!

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