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Secondary School Art Teacher, Ireland.


Christmas Cards!

Ok, it's been a while since my last post. I apologise1 I've been keeping myself very busy with a number of little projects - namely creating card designs. This all started becasue my mother was complaining about the incredibly dated designs that charity Christmas cards used. Seeing as I am currently living at home, it seemed like the perfect project to begin - creating my own Christmas card designs. I think in the last post, I mentioned the artcardsireland company. Well, since then I have completed my two designs, and sent them to the company to be printed professionally - envelopes, cellophane wrapping - the lot! I'm so excited! I've only ever got things professionally printed for college, so this is a new experience for me. And even though it's costing a bit of money, I think it'll be worth it.

So here's one of my designs. I know it's ridiculously early to be thinking about Christmas, but in order to get them printed and delievered on time, I needed to allow a minimum of four weeks. The images are done in oil pastels. I absolutely adore working in oil pastels - they are so expressive and fast! You can tell by my style that I am very influenced by illustration, particularly children's illustration. During my degree I wrote and illustrated a children's book; it's somthing I've always had an interest in. I'll upload some images by illustrators who I find particularly inspirational soon. In fact, anyone who's interested in illustration must check out illustrationweb.org - it is an absolute mine of great illustrators and their work - it's definitely worth a look!
So, anyway - designing these cards has kept me motivated over the past few weeks - so motivated in fact, that I am branching into general occasion cards; the designs of which I'm still working on.

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