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Secondary School Art Teacher, Ireland.


The Y-Factor Launch at Dublin Castle

To those of you who don't know, the Y-Factor is an organisation aimed at educating young people about gender equality - a hugely important subject. You may wonder what all this has to do with art? Well, for starters; women were not allowed to become professional artists until quite recently. They don't really get a mention in art history books until the 1970s. Gender equality is a topic that has an impact on many areas of our lives, including art.
So, the Y-Factor group came up with a toolkit for schools, on how we might raise awareness of the issue in the classroom. I was lucky enough to be a part of the advisory board for this project. As a result, my lucky transition years and I got to go to the launch of the Toolkit in Dublin Castle last week. Here's a picture of them in Dublin Castle!

If you're interested in learning more about gender equality and how it affects you, visit the Y-Factor website or Facebook pages:

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