About Me...

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Secondary School Art Teacher, Ireland.


The Y-Factor Launch at Dublin Castle

To those of you who don't know, the Y-Factor is an organisation aimed at educating young people about gender equality - a hugely important subject. You may wonder what all this has to do with art? Well, for starters; women were not allowed to become professional artists until quite recently. They don't really get a mention in art history books until the 1970s. Gender equality is a topic that has an impact on many areas of our lives, including art.
So, the Y-Factor group came up with a toolkit for schools, on how we might raise awareness of the issue in the classroom. I was lucky enough to be a part of the advisory board for this project. As a result, my lucky transition years and I got to go to the launch of the Toolkit in Dublin Castle last week. Here's a picture of them in Dublin Castle!

If you're interested in learning more about gender equality and how it affects you, visit the Y-Factor website or Facebook pages:


Imaginative Composition/Still Life

For leaving cert art, there are a few sections to your exam. One section is called the Imaginative Composition, or Still Life. Here's a great example of a dramatic Imaginative Comp. Some Still Life examples coming soon!

2nd Year Masks

My second years designed some unique and unusual masks just before Halloween: made out of plaster with a cardboard base. Take a look:

New School, New Creativity!

It's been a while since my last post - and in the meantime I've started work in a new school in Portarlington! So here's a look at what's been done in class so far this year...
Firstly, some fantastic lino prints from my LCAs, inspired by Andy Warhol. I'm delighted with how these have turned out, and there will be more to follow!