About Me...

My photo
Secondary School Art Teacher, Ireland.


Leaving Parties...

Finally, the last things to go up for the moment are the pictures of some of my year groups. All the students I have taught over the last year and a half have been so fantastic, and I'm going to miss all of you so much! I know you'll all do me proud in your exams though, and get the results that you deserve.

A big thanks especially to my 3rd, 4th, lca and 5th years who've really made this a memorable year, and whose work will be used as examples of good artwork to all my future students!
Keep up with your artwork and remember - NO smudging!

School Anniversary Show

Ok, this is very late to be putting up on the blog, but I recently came across some images of the show's face-painting and couldn't resist uploading them. I'm a big fan of face-painting, as you all know! The show was such a huge success, and these pictures portray in a small way the energy and fun that happened back-stage!

Linking Hands Project

There's a project going on in Ballincollig at the moment, where we're all trying to help break a World Record by creating the longest banner of linking hands in the world.
It's a fantastic project to be involved in, and many of the students have been contributing fantastically original panels in order to realise the goal! Here are some examples of what has been made:

1st Year Portraiture

Ok, I'm way overdue with uploading pictures on the blog. The last term is a really busy one (although that's no excuse)! So to start with, here are some examples of first year self-portraits that I'm particularly proud of. You can see how the students have used hatching, cross-hatching and shading to make their images more realistic. They're full of character and life!