About Me...

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Secondary School Art Teacher, Ireland.


LCA Lino Printing!

I have to say, I am so proud of my LCA students for their wonderful lino prints - they have turned out absolutely perfectly! Really marvellous examples of printing, as well as texture and contrast. Well done!!

1st year Patterns!

Fab patterns designed by my first years - all unique and colourful! Great work!

Christmas time

The tree in its final stages! Many thanks to all the students who helped in the making of this!


Recycled Christmas Tree

Our marvellous Christmas tree made from cardboard boxes after the art department delivery, paper maché, paint and then decorated with paper decorations. A collaborative effort by LCA1, TY, and first year students. Looks fab! Pic of the finished piece to come!

Symbolic Self-Portraits!

Some fantastic examples of self-portraiture by my 4th years: they each had to create a piece that said something about their personalities and interests.